Monday, March 22, 2010

Our utopia has alot of love or whatever.


Many residents spend their days inside, on their computers or TVs. Others might play with their pets or quietly sit outside and watch nature. School is only required to attend only 2 times a week. School is 4 hours long, but you only spend 2 hours of light work. Money is common and is used everyday. People get paid differently for different jobs. Ex. Someone working in a grocery store gets paid as someone working as a doctor. If you do not go to work or school, you will not get paid for a week and if you don't go to work 3 times, you are fired. If you do not go to school, you will have to do more work and have 5 pages of homework each time. If you skip school and work, this will apply, but if you are sick or unable to go to work, it does not. Age relates to daily living because younger people might spend their days being active. As older people might lay back more. The retirement age is 45 years old. Free time is time when you have nothing to do and you can relax until something comes up. Meals are made within the family's house. For example, if you live with your mom, dad and two sisters, it is someone's job to make the food. Food can be grown if you own a farm, or it can be bought from the store. Everyone is equal everywhere. For doctors you have to pay one small fee to see them, then another one for the treatment.


Our utopia has quite beautiful scenery. In the Spring, the temperature is a constant warm temperature of around 65 degrees. In the Summer, the days get very hot. The temperatures could go as high as 80 degrees in the Summer. In the Fall, however, the temperatures are cool and windy. In the Winter, the temperatures drop and can fall as low as in the teens. Puppy Palace is a large island located just 214 miles southwest of Florida. So if we need anything, we could go there. Most of our energy is solar energy because the sun shines constantly and bright almost all the time. Also we use solar energy so worry and stress is actually reduced. There is no form of protection around the island. We have animals such as dolphins and whales swimming near the island edge for visitors and residents to pet or play with. Our buildings are unique. Each one has a sturdy structure but a creative design. One building might be curved around on the top while another might be shaped as an X. There is a surplus of houses in case there are any new residents. There are a lot of houses but still plenty of wildlife as well. Transportation to the island isn't limited. There are 4 boat ports and 2 airports. The island is a popular tour attraction because of its amazing nature.


In our utopia, there are people of all different religions, races, cultures, languages, etc. Nobody is divided by race, smarts, talents or anything. You could eat and live with someone that's very different from you. We don't expect everyone to be the same. You can only have up to 4 children. Who would want more than that?? You can only have a mother, father, pet(s), and children living in your house. (With the exception of helping out one family member or stranger.) Yup, everyone in our utopia is different, but not considered better. Nobody is higher than anyone else. If you're rich, you don't differ any from someone who is considered poor. The price to buy a house ranges from $80,000 and up. Although renting a house is cheap, some houses are also of low quality. Most rented houses, however, are of average quality and as cheap as $200 a month. We don't require you to own or rent a house. You could go homeless if you want! It's your decision.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

All about our government.

There is no one ruling over our utopia. We have no police, only adults that look after their children. Here are a few of the simple rules:
2. Do not think you are better than anyone else
3. You must attend school until the age of 15
4. Do not abuse any animals. Ex: Dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.
5. Be nice....some of the time

There are easy consequences to breaking simple rules. But there are also severe consequences for breaking big rules. Kids 11 & up can get up to $2oo.oo allowence each week. Everyone gets things such as laptops, flatscreen TVs, etc. There is no set curfew. You only have to go to school at least 2 times a week. School is only 4 hours long but you do only two hours of light work. Everyone has a chance to get a puppy (only if they want to). The utopia is constantly growing in population and getting better government everyday.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Welcome to our utopian website! This page is made by Christina and Ashley. Enjoy your stay here! =]