Wednesday, March 10, 2010

All about our government.

There is no one ruling over our utopia. We have no police, only adults that look after their children. Here are a few of the simple rules:
2. Do not think you are better than anyone else
3. You must attend school until the age of 15
4. Do not abuse any animals. Ex: Dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.
5. Be nice....some of the time

There are easy consequences to breaking simple rules. But there are also severe consequences for breaking big rules. Kids 11 & up can get up to $2oo.oo allowence each week. Everyone gets things such as laptops, flatscreen TVs, etc. There is no set curfew. You only have to go to school at least 2 times a week. School is only 4 hours long but you do only two hours of light work. Everyone has a chance to get a puppy (only if they want to). The utopia is constantly growing in population and getting better government everyday.


  1. Christina and Ashley- you must talk to each other in order to get these posts completed OR at least divide the work in half- so you know what to do!

  2. How do you make sure the rules are followed if no one is there to enforce them? Are people punished for breaking the rules? If so, who decides the punishment, since there is no ruler?

  3. there are some private people who watch others such as if they are skipping school or work or breaking a rule. punishment varies as to what you break. for example...killing a person has a much more severe punishment than not going to school. and nobody "rules" our utopia like a king or queen. it is a group of people that make the rules and etc. but they do not rule and act with power. they are the people that decides punishment
