Monday, March 22, 2010


In our utopia, there are people of all different religions, races, cultures, languages, etc. Nobody is divided by race, smarts, talents or anything. You could eat and live with someone that's very different from you. We don't expect everyone to be the same. You can only have up to 4 children. Who would want more than that?? You can only have a mother, father, pet(s), and children living in your house. (With the exception of helping out one family member or stranger.) Yup, everyone in our utopia is different, but not considered better. Nobody is higher than anyone else. If you're rich, you don't differ any from someone who is considered poor. The price to buy a house ranges from $80,000 and up. Although renting a house is cheap, some houses are also of low quality. Most rented houses, however, are of average quality and as cheap as $200 a month. We don't require you to own or rent a house. You could go homeless if you want! It's your decision.

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